Let's meet each other

We work together with your IT department.

AptGetDefence is an organization that cares about the protection of personal and corporate data. Our security experts are trained to offer personalized consultancy and staff auditing to test possible reactions to a threat.

Where does the AptGetDefence's name come from?

In looking for a name that represented what our company can do and driven by the ethics that represents us, we decided to communicate through computer jargon. Surely those of you who have experience with a command line will have already noticed that AptGet is the default command for managing packages on a Linux system. The APTs in the IT security environment, on the other hand, are the "Advanced Persistent Threats", i.e. all the advanced persistent threats to which a company may be subjected during its operation, in the protection of data in their broadest sense (customer data, data personnel, company know-how, patents, invoicing data, market analysis, etc.). We want our company name to read as "defend against advanced and persistent threats my business may encounter" and translate to "We are the shield you are looking for."

360° security

AptGetDefence takes care of its customers by offering an enveloping security experience. We want to give you the best so that you can only think about your production activity. We take care of testing every possible route of intrusion, whether it be testing preparation, physically accessing a reserved area of the company, testing how IT systems interface with the outside world, and whether an attacker can access it, up to testing employee responses to a possible "Phishing", "spear phishing" or "whaling" attack. The Internet is now an indispensable resource for communications and the use of content, but also a possible weak link in security. We pretend to be attackers, we try to penetrate every possible channel within the reality in question, without causing damage, only to suggest where it is possible to improve.

"To ensure you conquer the area where you fought, attack a point that the enemy is not defending. To ensure you hold what you defend, stand where the enemy cannot attack"
Sun Tzu, The Art of War, VI-V sec. b.C.

>_AptGetDefence's Team

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